Simply pipe the HTML into it, and the script adds the necessary header information before sending it on it's way. The script assumes that sendmail is installed and configured.
I wrote the original version of this script back in 2006, and it has proved so useful - for presenting daily system reports with warnings in red, for example - that I have used versions of it in most companies that I have done work for ever since.
# htmmail
# Purpose: To send html formatted emails
# Syntax: htmmail [-s Subject] address [address] [address...]
# Subject The subject of the email
# address The email address of the intended recipient
# The content of the email may be included by piping it
# into the htmmail command.
# Author: Douglas Milne
# Date: 27th May 2014
# Version 1.0 Initial Release
# Get options
# s flag argument is the subject of the email
while getopts s: value
case $value in
\?) echo "$0: unknown option $OPTARG"
shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
# Remaining arguments are email addresses to send the email
# Set up email header, including content type field
# signifying html format.
# To and Subject as specified above
/usr/lib/sendmail -t << EOF
mime-version: 1.0
content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
To: $TO
Subject: $SUBJECT
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