Saturday, 28 June 2014

Create a Solaris Zone Using a Here Document

Creating a new zone in Solaris takes several steps and is a laborious task, especially if several zones are to be created at once. The process can be sped up by setting up the details of the new zone in variables, then sending all of the commands into zonecfg using a here document.

The code below assumes two network interfaces, and that the zones are stored in /zones. It should be customised as required to add filesystems, memory capping etc (see Further Options, below).

First set up the zone name ($NAME), the number of cores ($CORES), the two network interfaces ($IF1 and $IF2)[1] , and IP addresses ($ADD1 and $ADD2):

Copy and paste the following to the command line (all in one go):
zonecfg -z $NAME <<EOF
set zonepath=/zones/$NAME
set autoboot=true
set bootargs="-m verbose"
add dedicated-cpu
set ncpus=$CORES
add net
set physical=$IF1
set address=$ADD1
add net
set physical=$IF2
set address=$ADD2
zoneadm -z $NAME install
zoneadm -z $NAME ready
zoneadm -z $NAME boot

Further Options

To add a CD-ROM, add the following lines immediately after an end command above:
add fs
set dir=/mnt
set special=/cdrom
set type=lofs
add options [ro,nodevices]

To mount a filesystem from the global zone, amend and add the following lines immediately after an end command above:
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/opt/sfw

To add memory capping, amend and add the following lines immediately after an end command above:
add capped-memory
set physical=50m
set swap=100m
set locked=30m

Further configuration can be done via the console:
zlogin -C $NAME

[1] These can be obtained from an ifconfig -a on any of the other zones on the host.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Always Use Sudo

This is part of a series of articles on Red Hat Server Hardening.

Nobody - not even administrators - should ever log in as root unless absolutely necessary. If an administrator needs to run a command with root privileges, they should use sudo.

The sudo tool allows ordinary users to have limited root level administrative access for certain tasks. This allows users to perform specific superuser operations without allowing them full superuser status.

To use sudo to run a command, precede it with the sudo command:
sudo date

The first time a user issues a sudo command during a login session, they will be prompted to enter the administrative password.

The accounts capable of using sudo are specified in the /etc/sudoers file, which is edited with the visudo utility. This file lists users and the commands they can run, along with the password for access (unless the NOPASSWD option is set, then users will not need a password).

A /etc/sudoers entry has the format
     user     host=command

userThe name of the user being granted access
hostA host on the network. For all hosts, use ALL.
commandA list of one or more commands, qualified by options such as whether the password is required. For all commands, use ALL.

So, for example, to give user paul full root-level access to all commands on all hosts:
paul   ALL = ALL

To run as another user, instead of as root, place the alternative user in parentheses before the command. For example, to allow user paul to run as user ringo on the beatle host:
paul   beatle = (ringo) ALL

The command may have an option associated with it. Possible options are:

Determines whether or not the user will require a password to run the command.
If sudo has been compiled with noexec support, this determines whether or not an executable will be allowed to run further commands itself.
Determines whether or not users are allowed to override environment variables with the sudo -e command.
Determines whether or not the input to the command is written to the log file.
Determines whether or not the output from the command is written to the log file.
By default, relevant logs are written to /var/log/secure.

Therefore, to allow user paul to run the kill command on beatle with a password, but to run the lprm command without a password:
paul   beatle = PASSWD: /usr/bin/kill, NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/lprm

A user can see what commands he or she can run by running: sudo -l

Installing Apache on Red Hat 6

Like most other things in Red Hat, Apache can be quickly and easily set up using the package manager. The process is simple. The only thing to remember is that the package and the service are not called Apache, but httpd.

Install Apache

Open a root shell
su -
Install the Apache web server:
yum -y install httpd
Configure the system to start Apache at boot
chkconfig httpd on
Start the Apache web server:
service httpd start

Test the Apache Installation

To test, copy and paste the following into /var/www/html/index.html:
<title>Dougie&#39;s Linux Hints Test Web Page</title>
This is a test Web Page.

Save the file. Then, still from the root shell, run the command:
elinks http://localhost
This will access the webpage created above, proving the web server is up and running.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Remove KDE or GNOME From Linux

X Windows desktops like KDE or GNOME are not required on a server, and waste valuable resources. These should therefore be removed:
yum groupremove “X Window System”

This will remove around 100-150 packages from the server.

Doing this will prevent an intruder from starting an X-Windows session on the server by typing startx at the shell prompt.

Installation of X-Windows can also be completely prevented during initial system installation.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Partitioning and Mounting Disks For Security

This is part of a series of articles on Red Hat Server Hardening.

By creating different partitions, data can be separated and grouped. When an unexpected accident occurs, only data on that partition will be damaged, while the data on other partitions will survive.

During the initial installation, mount filesystems with user-writeable directories, such as the following, on separate partitions:
  • /usr
  • /home
  • /var
  • /var/tmp
  • /tmp

Apache and FTP server root directories should also be mounted on separate partitions.

To limit user access to filesystems, add the mount options from the following table to the filesystems configuration in /etc/fstab . The defaults option is equal to rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async.

noexecPrevents the execution of binaries (although scripts will not be prevented from running).
nosuidPrevents the setuid bit from having an effect.
nodevPrevents the use of device files.

Modify the /boot directory to be read only (ro). This reduces the risk of unauthorized modification of critical boot files.

For example, to modify the /etc/fstab entry to limit user access on /dev/sda5 (ftp server root directory):

Find the line that reads:
/dev/sda5  /ftpdata          ext3    defaults 1 2
And change it to:
/dev/sda5  /ftpdata          ext3    defaults,nosuid,nodev,noexec 1 2

Monday, 9 June 2014

Physical Security of Linux Servers

This is part of a series of articles on Red Hat Server Hardening.

The physical security of a Linux Server is the first line of defence against attackers. Who has direct physical access to the server, and should they? Should the server be secured out of hours or while you are away?

BIOS Security

The server's BIOS should be configured to disable booting from CDs/DVDs, floppies, and external devices. If possible, a password should be set to protect these settings.

GRUB Boot Loader Security

The GRUB boot loader should be password protected. The primary reasons for doing this are:
  1. Preventing Access to Single User Mode - If attackers can boot the system into single user mode, they are logged in automatically as root without being prompted for the root password.
  2. Preventing Access to the GRUB Console - If the machine uses GRUB as its boot loader, an attacker can use the use the GRUB editor interface to change its configuration or to gather information using the cat command.
By generating an MD5 hashed password string and including it in the GRUB configuration file, GRUB can be configured to address these issues.

To do this, first decide on a password, then open a shell prompt, log in as root, and type:
This will ask for a password to be entered. Type the new GRUB password twice. This returns an MD5 hash of the password.

Next, edit the GRUB configuration file /boot/grub/grub.conf.

Open the file and below the timeout line in the general section of the document, add the following line:
password --md5 <password-hash>
Replace <password-hash> with the value returned by /sbin/grub-md5-crypt.

Remove the line that contains the hiddenmenu parameter, and save the changes.

The next time the system boots, the GRUB menu does not allow access to the editor or command interface without first pressing p followed by the GRUB password.

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) Overview

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) is an authentication service that lets a system determine the method of authentication to be performed for users. Traditionally in Linux, authentication has been performed by looking up passwords - the login process looks up the user's password in the password file and verifies it against what the user has entered.

With PAM, user's authentication requests are directed to PAM, which in turn uses a specified method to authenticate the user. This could be a simple password lookup, or it could be a request to an LDAP server, or some other method of authentication. Authentication is centralized and controlled by a specific service, PAM. The actual authentication procedures can be dynamically configured by the system administrator.

There are two types of PAM files: Configuration Files and Modules. Modules carry out the authentication process. These vary according to the kind of authentication needed. An administrator can add or replace modules by simply changing the PAM configuration files

PAM Configuration Files

PAM Configuration files are kept in the /etc/pam.d directory. PAM uses different configuration files for different services that request authentication.

Note:- If the /etc/pam.d/ directory does not exist, PAM will look for the /etc/pam.conf file instead. This is for historical reasons only.

The /etc/pam.d/ directory contains a configuration file for each PAM-aware application or service. The configuration file has the same name as the service to which it controls access. PAM-aware applications and services are responsible for defining their own PAM configuration files. For example, the /etc/pam.d/login PAM configuration file is installed by the login application.

Each PAM configuration file contains a group of directives formatted as follows:
<module interface>  <control flag>   <module name>   <module arguments>

PAM Module Interface

There are four types of PAM module interface, each of which corresponds to a different phase of the authorization process:
Module InterfaceDefinition
auth This module interface authenticates use. For example, it requests and verifies the validity of a password. Modules with this interface can also set credentials, such as group memberships or Kerberos tickets.
account This module interface verifies that access is allowed. For example, it may check if a user account has expired or if a user is allowed to log in at a particular time of day.
password This module interface is used for changing user passwords.
session This module interface configures and manages user sessions. Modules with this interface can also perform additional tasks that are needed to allow access, like mounting a user's home directory and making the user's mailbox available.

PAM Control Flag

All PAM modules return a status of success or fail. The Control Flag determines what PAM does with that status, and how important the success or failure of the module is to the authentication process. 

The control flag will usually have one of the following five values:

Control FlagDefinition
required The module result must be successful for authentication to continue. If the test fails at this point, the user is not notified until the results of all module tests that reference that interface are complete.
requisite The module result must be successful for authentication to continue. However, if a test fails at this point, the user is notified immediately with a message reflecting the first failed required or requisite module test.
sufficient The module result is ignored if it fails. However, if the result of a module flagged sufficient is successful and no previous modules flagged required have failed, then no other results are required and the user is authenticated to the service.
optional The module result is ignored. A module flagged as optional only becomes necessary for successful authentication when no other modules reference the interface.
include Unlike the other controls, this does not relate to how the module result is handled. This flag pulls in all lines in the configuration file which match the given parameter and appends them as an argument to the module.

PAM Module Name and PAM Module Parameters

This is simply the name of the module, followed any parameters that are required to run it.

As previously noted, the authentication process is split into four phases - auth, account, password and session - specified in the configuration file by the Module Interface parameter. Each phase may consist of zero, one or several modules. The overall success or failure of each phase is determined by the combination of the control flags.

PAM Modules

PAM Modules are located in the /lib/security directory. Each returns either a success or failure.

Most of the modules and configuration files included by default with PAM have their own manpages.

It is also possible to write modules from scratch. Documentation on writing modules is included in the /usr/share/doc/pam-<version#> directory.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Password Control

This is part of a series of articles on Red Hat Server Hardening.

Once a user account has been created, the user's access to it can be controlled.

Locking User Accounts

The passwd command can be used to lock and unlock a user's account.
passwd -l username

will lock an account, and
passwd -u username

will unlock it.

Lock Any Accounts With No Password Set

Login as root, and enter the following command
awk -F: '($2 == "") {print $1}' /etc/shadow
This will produce a list of all accounts that have no password set.

Note:- Some systems still store the password in the /etc/passwd file (they shouldn't, but they do!). If this is the case, use /etc/passwd instead of /etc/shadow above.

The lock all empty password accounts:
passwd -l <Account Name>

Change Password Expiration Limits

The chage command displays password expiration details along with last password change date.

To view any existing user’s password ageing information such as expiry date and time, use the following command:
chage -l username

To change password ageing of any user, use the following command.
chage -M 60 -m 7 -W 7 <username>

This sets a maximum age of 60 days, a minimum age of 7 days, and allows the user 7 days warning before the password expires.

Options for chage are as follows:
-m Minimum number of days a user must go before being able to change their password
-M Maximum number of days a user can go without changing their password
-d The last day the password was changed
-E Specific expiration date for a password, date in format YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY
-I Allowable account inactivity period (in days) after which password will expire
-W Warning period. The number of days before expiration when the user will be sent a warning message
-l Display current expiration controls

Prevent Reuse of Old Passwords

Users should be prevented from reusing old passwords. Old passwords are stored in /etc/security/opasswd. This file must be created before switching on password history, otherwise all user password updates will fail because the pam_unix[1] module will constantly be returning errors from the password history code due to the file being missing.

After creating the file, change the permissions to keep it secure:
touch /etc/security/opasswd
chown root:root /etc/security/opasswd
chmod 600 /etc/security/opasswd

Open the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file and add the following line to the auth section:
auth        sufficient likeauth nullok

Add the following line to the password section:
password   sufficient nullok use_authtok md5 shadow remember=5

This will prevent a user from re-using any of their last 5 passwords.

Force Users to Set Strong Passwords

A number of users use soft or weak passwords and their password might be hacked with a dictionary based or brute-force attacks. The pam_cracklib module, available in the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) module stack, forces users to set strong passwords.

Open the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file and amend or add the entry for
/lib/security/$ISA/ retry=3 minlen=8 lcredit=-1 ucredit=-2 dcredit=-2 ocredit=-1

This sets the number of times the password may be entered before it fails to 3. The password must be at least 8 characters long, and contain at least 1 lower case character, 2 upper case characters, 1 digit and one other.

[1] qv PAM Overview

Friday, 6 June 2014

Configure or Disable SSH

This is part of a series of articles on Red Hat Server Hardening.

SSH is the usual means of accessing and interacting with a server. Unless the keyboard and monitor are physically connected directly to the server, then access will most likely be via SSH. However, if SSH is not required, then disable it:
/sbin/chkconfig sshd off

The default SSH configuration means that automated cracking scripts and bots trying to break into a server know exactly where to go and what to do. They know the name of the root account, and they know they can SSH onto the server on port 22. The first line of defence is therefore to disable direct root access via SSH, and change the access port.

Changes to SSH are made via the SSH configuration file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Prevent direct root login from SSH

In the config file, find the line that reads:
PermitRootLogin yes

Change yes to no. This prevents users from logging into the server as root via SSH. This adds an extra layer of security. Any hacker trying to get into root will have to get in as a normal user first, then try to access root from there. Warning: Make sure you have a regular user account first before doing this, otherwise you will not be able to access root.

Limit SSH access to a subset of users

If possible, limit SSH access to a subset of users. If there are many user accounts on the server, but only a few need to log into it via SSH, then doing this is a worthwhile exercise.This makes a hacker's job even more difficult because they will have to guess the both the name of an authorised user, and their password.

The AllowUsers parameter is not included in /etc/ssh/sshd_config by default, so it will need to be added:
AllowUsers john paul george ringo

Alternatively, create a group called sshusers and only add the users that need remote access:
groupadd sshusers
usermod -aG sshusers john
usermod -aG sshusers paul
usermod -aG sshusers george
usermod -aG sshusers ringo

Then, add the following line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
AllowGroups sshusers
Note:- The AllowUsers and AllowGroups parameters are mutually incompatible, with AllowUsers taking precedent.

Change the default SSH port

Change the default SSH port number of 22 to some other higher level port number.
Note:- The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. It is good practice to follow their port assignment guidelines. Having said that, port numbers are divided into three ranges: Well Known Ports, Registered Ports, and Dynamic and/or Private Ports. The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023 and SHOULD NOT be used. Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151 should also be avoided too. Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535 and can be used.
Choose an appropriate port, also making sure it not currently used on the system, and update the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
Port <New Port Number>
Make sure, obviously, that anyone who needs to ssh onto the server knows the correct port number. To log in, they will need to add -p <new port number> to the end of the ssh command.

Once all of the necessary changes have been made to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, restart the service so that these changes take effect.
service sshd restart

Monday, 2 June 2014

Determine What Country A Website User Is In

One of my other concerns is a website which sells MP3s of original children's music.

These sell all over the world, so it is important that prices are displayed in local currency if possible. The easiest way to do that is by IP address. When the site was originally created, it was built using HTML and javascript, with only a very small amount of PHP to access some tables of IP ranges and the appropriate country. When the website was rebuilt around a MySQL database, this method of identifying the user's country remained, because it worked.

But these things are ever evolving, and the IP ranges I was using quickly went out of date. I have been aware for some time that I need to find a way on automatically making sure that the IP ranges are up to date.

After a bit of looking around, I have found that an up to date CSV file of IP ranges can be downloaded from The plan is to download the CSV file automatically on a regular basis, then rebuild the existing PHP arrays.

This can all be accomplished with a simple bash script, run from cron once a week. The IP file is donationware, so I have arranged a regular $5 monthly payment for the privilege which seems fair, I think.

The first step is to download the file. This can be accomplished with a simple wget:
wget -O ./IpToCountry.csv.gz

The file is compressed, so it needs to be uncompressed. I also extract only the fields that are required. The fields on the incoming file are IP From, IP To, Registry, Assigned, 2-Letter Country Code, 3-Letter Country Code and Country. I only need IP From, IP To and the 2-Letter Country Code.

Both of these tasks can be accomplished in a single command line:
gunzip -c IpToCountry.csv.gz  | awk -F, '!/^#/ {gsub(/"/, "", $0);print $1, $2, $5}'  > ./IpToCountry.csv

This uncompresses the file, strips off all of the comment lines, removes any inverted commas, extracts the necessary fields and creates a stripped down, custom built file that can be used as required.

Next comes the rebuilding of the PHP IP arrays. These consist of 256 numbered files, starting at 0.php through to 255.php. Each of these contains a PHP script defining an array of ranges of IP addresses and the country that they belong to. The appropriate PHP script is included at run time, dependent on the first segment of the IP address.

The first step is to write the header for each script. This opens the php tag and starts to declare the array:

This  header is identical for all 256 files.

Next, the arrays themselves must be created. These can be converted directly from each line in the CSV file in the format:
"IP From" => array("IP To","2-Digit Country Code")

IP From and IP To are both formatted as a 32-bit integer, rather than the 4 segments traditionally recognised as an IP address. To convert the 4-segment IP address to the 32 bit integer it represents, multiply each segment by increasing factors of 256.

eg for IP address ""

Similarly, the IP segments can be determined by reversing the process. In this instance, we only need the first of the 4 segments, to determine which file we are writing to. This can be achieved by dividing IP From by (256*256*256), and using only the integer returned.

Finally, a footer is added to the end of all of the files. Like the header, this is identical for all 256 files, simply closing off the array and closing the php tag:

The finished script looks like:
# Douglas Milne 2 June 2014
# Download a csv file of IP address ranges for countries
# and convert to php arrays

# create a temporary directory to build the files
# Files are built here, then moved to the correct location on completion
# This minimizes the amount of time the files are unavailable as recreating them can take several minutes
mkdir ~/iptemp 2>/dev/null
cd  ~/iptemp

# Download the csv file
wget -O ./IpToCountry.csv.gz >/dev/null 2>&1
if (( status != 0 ))
   echo "Error downloading csv file"
   exit 2
# Uncompress the CSV file and select only the To, From and Country columns
gunzip -c IpToCountry.csv.gz  | awk -F, '!/^#/ {gsub(/"/, "", $0);print $1, $2, $5}'  > ./IpToCountry.csv

# Create a new .php file for the first digit of possible ip addresses, ie 0-255, and write a header to it
for ((i=0; i<=255; i++))
   echo -e "<?php\n//-\n\$ranges=Array(" > $i.php

# Add the IP ranges as specified in the CSV file to the php files.
# The first digit of each ip address, and therefore the file to write to,
# is determined by the integer result of dividing the address by 16777216
cat IpToCountry.csv | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' | while
   read ipFrom ipTo Country
   (( ipmsb = ipFrom / 16777216 ))
   echo -e "\"$ipFrom\" => array(\"$ipTo\",\"$Country\")," >> $ipmsb.php

# Add a footer to each of the php files
# and move the files to the correct location.
for ((i=0; i<=255; i++))
   echo -e ");\n?>" >> $i.php
   mv $i.php ~/ip_files

By way of example of the output, the file for all IP addresses from to is
$ cat 45.php
"754974720" => array("755105791","US"),
"757071872" => array("759169023","ZZ"),
"765460480" => array("767557631","UY"),

This tells us that some of these are in the US, some are reserved and some are in Uruguay. Most of the output files are considerably larger than this, and some are smaller.

The script is run from cron a couple of times a week. Software77 request that a time other than right on the hour is chosen for download, so that everybody isn't tryng to download at once. It's worth reading the comments in the CSV file and on their website, because breaking the rules can result in a barring.

So how does a webpage make use of this information? The following PHP function takes the IP address of the client
function iptocountry($ip) {
    $numbers = preg_split( "/\./", $ip);  
    $code=($numbers[0] * 16777216) + ($numbers[1] * 65536) + ($numbers[2] * 256) + ($numbers[3]);  
    foreach($ranges as $key => $value){
    return $two_letter_country_code;

This function converts the IP address into a 32-bit integer, includes the appropriate array file, then searches through the array until it finds the range that contains the 32-bit integer
This can be called using the "REMOTE_ADDR" entry in the $_SERVER array.