Monday, 9 June 2014

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) Overview

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) is an authentication service that lets a system determine the method of authentication to be performed for users. Traditionally in Linux, authentication has been performed by looking up passwords - the login process looks up the user's password in the password file and verifies it against what the user has entered.

With PAM, user's authentication requests are directed to PAM, which in turn uses a specified method to authenticate the user. This could be a simple password lookup, or it could be a request to an LDAP server, or some other method of authentication. Authentication is centralized and controlled by a specific service, PAM. The actual authentication procedures can be dynamically configured by the system administrator.

There are two types of PAM files: Configuration Files and Modules. Modules carry out the authentication process. These vary according to the kind of authentication needed. An administrator can add or replace modules by simply changing the PAM configuration files

PAM Configuration Files

PAM Configuration files are kept in the /etc/pam.d directory. PAM uses different configuration files for different services that request authentication.

Note:- If the /etc/pam.d/ directory does not exist, PAM will look for the /etc/pam.conf file instead. This is for historical reasons only.

The /etc/pam.d/ directory contains a configuration file for each PAM-aware application or service. The configuration file has the same name as the service to which it controls access. PAM-aware applications and services are responsible for defining their own PAM configuration files. For example, the /etc/pam.d/login PAM configuration file is installed by the login application.

Each PAM configuration file contains a group of directives formatted as follows:
<module interface>  <control flag>   <module name>   <module arguments>

PAM Module Interface

There are four types of PAM module interface, each of which corresponds to a different phase of the authorization process:
Module InterfaceDefinition
auth This module interface authenticates use. For example, it requests and verifies the validity of a password. Modules with this interface can also set credentials, such as group memberships or Kerberos tickets.
account This module interface verifies that access is allowed. For example, it may check if a user account has expired or if a user is allowed to log in at a particular time of day.
password This module interface is used for changing user passwords.
session This module interface configures and manages user sessions. Modules with this interface can also perform additional tasks that are needed to allow access, like mounting a user's home directory and making the user's mailbox available.

PAM Control Flag

All PAM modules return a status of success or fail. The Control Flag determines what PAM does with that status, and how important the success or failure of the module is to the authentication process. 

The control flag will usually have one of the following five values:

Control FlagDefinition
required The module result must be successful for authentication to continue. If the test fails at this point, the user is not notified until the results of all module tests that reference that interface are complete.
requisite The module result must be successful for authentication to continue. However, if a test fails at this point, the user is notified immediately with a message reflecting the first failed required or requisite module test.
sufficient The module result is ignored if it fails. However, if the result of a module flagged sufficient is successful and no previous modules flagged required have failed, then no other results are required and the user is authenticated to the service.
optional The module result is ignored. A module flagged as optional only becomes necessary for successful authentication when no other modules reference the interface.
include Unlike the other controls, this does not relate to how the module result is handled. This flag pulls in all lines in the configuration file which match the given parameter and appends them as an argument to the module.

PAM Module Name and PAM Module Parameters

This is simply the name of the module, followed any parameters that are required to run it.

As previously noted, the authentication process is split into four phases - auth, account, password and session - specified in the configuration file by the Module Interface parameter. Each phase may consist of zero, one or several modules. The overall success or failure of each phase is determined by the combination of the control flags.

PAM Modules

PAM Modules are located in the /lib/security directory. Each returns either a success or failure.

Most of the modules and configuration files included by default with PAM have their own manpages.

It is also possible to write modules from scratch. Documentation on writing modules is included in the /usr/share/doc/pam-<version#> directory.

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